September reset: how do I get back into a routine after time off?
You’ve had a cracking Summer and now it’s time to get back into a solid fitness routine. Here’s your 5-step plan
Getting back into a fitness routine after summer
Some people can keep their regular fitness and healthy eating routine ticking along throughout July and August. If you’re not one of those unicorns, don’t worry! You’re definitely not alone. Most people find their routine naturally goes a little off-track during the summer months. Social events, BBQs and picnics, wedding season, and holidays make it tricky to work out and eat to any kind of plan.
But now it’s September and you’re feeling the urge to get organised and set new fitness goals. Keep reading for a smart and sensible way to get back into a routine without feeling overwhelmed.
How to set fitness targets for September
Step one in getting back on track is setting a goal. September has a “back to school” kind of vibe, making it the perfect time to review your goals and set new targets.
You might choose a performance goal like a running PB or your heaviest-ever squat in the gym. Or maybe you’re interested in a physique target like adding muscle or shaping up. Perhaps your main goal is having a consistent routine and ticking the boxes every day.
Why do you want to get back into a fitness and healthy eating routine? Pick your goal, make it realistic, and be sure to have a compelling “why” that will keep you connected to the target over the weeks and months ahead.

Set yourself up for success
Step two is all about curating your environment. Achieving your new goal will be much easier with a supportive team around you. Start by finding an inspiring place to train with Hussle’s directory of 100s of gyms, spas, and leisure facilities. Whatever you need, you can find it at Hussle. That’s the beauty of one network, any location, with thousands of gyms and zero contracts!
Feel free to try out a few gyms to find one that has the atmosphere you need. When you’re working hard towards a goal, even the choice of music matters. Use Hussle’s day pass option to visit as many gyms as you need until you find your new home-from-home.
Surround yourself with people who understand and support your fitness journey. This might be friends or family members, or maybe you’ll make new fitness buddies at the gym. Having like-minded people around will help keep you on track.
Organise your fitness routine
Step three is all about getting organised so your new routine becomes second-nature. You need to plan your workouts, meal prep, healthy food shops, and walks in with your social life to make sure it all happens. Leave it to chance, and it probably won’t happen.
Here’s what we suggest. Grab your diary, planner, or online calendar. Mark down all your existing appointments and regular slots so you can see what time you have free. Create new appointments for workouts, classes, PT sessions, and other important parts of your fitness journey. Add reminders for key actions like healthy food shopping and meal planning.
Aim to find a balance between your new fitness routine and other things you enjoy. Don’t get rid of important stuff like seeing friends, time with family, and relaxation time. It’s important to be kind to yourself when you’re getting back into a routine. Just be sure to slot your fitness sessions in so they get done!
Start each day right
Step four is all about setting a morning routine. A lot of fitness experts talk about the importance of a morning routine. But the truth is your morning routine can be whatever works for you. There’s no set way to set up a good morning routine.
Think about how you like to start your day. Do you like time to get ready slowly and gently? Do you like to sit with a coffee, read a few pages of a book, or write your journal? Or would you like time to prep your breakfast, lunch and snacks? Perhaps you want to make sure you have time for a walk or a workout in the morning? Create a morning routine that works for you, without adding pressure to your day.

How often should you work out in September?
Step five is a reminder to start slowly and build up as you get used to your new routine. Don’t run before you can walk. The best way to get back into a fitness routine is to start at a level that feels doable. Then when this has become habit, you can add an extra session or another target.
How often could you work out in these first few weeks of your new routine? If you think you could do 5 workouts a week, just do 4 and see how you get on. You can always add the fifth session later.
Find your perfect gym with zero contract
Why not try a Hussle day pass to assess how often you like to visit the gym – then purchase our Monthly+ pass once you know! Hussle is one network, any location, with thousands of gyms – all for zero contract. Whether you want to use our day passes or get a Monthly+ pass, Hussle has everything you need to get back into a fitness routine.
Are you ready to reflect, reset, Hussle? Find your perfect gym at the Hussle network. It couldn’t be easier.