September 18th marks National Fitness Day. This annual initiative highlights the hugely beneficial role that physical activity plays across the UK. It’s also the perfect time to shake up your exercise routine with something new. Here are 5 recent fitness trends that you can fit into your workday.

Micro workouts – snack sized workouts for busy shifts

It’s not always practical to go to the gym on a workday. Luckily, experts know that long workouts aren’t the only way to benefit from fitness. 5 or 10 minutes here and there all add up to the NHS recommended goal of 150 minutes moderate intensity or 75 minutes vigorous intensity activity a week.

What are micro workouts?

Micro workouts, or ‘exercise snacking’, are short bursts of movement that you can fit in to your day. This could mean very short HIIT-style intense workouts like sprints, or might simply mean a 10-minute walk. The whole point of micro workouts are to lower the barriers to activity and get you moving.

How to start

  • Office based option – Identify pockets of time throughout your day where you could walk, do bodyweight exercises, or get a short HIIT workout in.
  • Working from home option – Set a phone reminder to do 20 squats, 15 push-ups, or 1 minute of jumping jacks every hour.

How are micro workouts good for workplace wellness?

Micro workouts get you moving more, which help improve your cardiovascular health, mental focus, mood, and energy levels throughout the day (and help on days when you don’t have time for formal gym workouts or cardio sessions after work!)

Seated yoga – ‘namaste’ at your desk

You don’t need a yoga mat to find your zen. Desk yoga is a great way to stretch and take a short break on mega-busy days.

What is seated yoga?

Seated yoga is a great way to access the benefits of yoga through adapted poses and stretches designed for office spaces.

How to start

Set a reminder twice a day, or you could even do these stretches during your next group call (camera off!)

  1. Neck stretch – chin to chest, right ear to left shoulder, left ear to right shoulder
  2. Chest opener – clasp hands behind your back and push knuckles towards the floor
  3. Forward bend – hinge at the hips and tuck your chin to feel a stretch in your lower back
  4. Gentle twist – twist to each side, starting the twist from your ribs (not your neck)
  5. Seated cat/cow – tuck the pelvis under and bring chin to chest, then reverse the movement by pushing the chest forward

How is seated yoga good for workplace wellness?

Tension and repetitive strain can cause problems for desk workers. Gentle stretches done regularly can relax tight muscles, improve posture, and encourage a quick mental break.

Virtual fitness – gamify your health goals

Virtual workouts, or exercise challenges that are connected to others via an online platform, make exercise feel like a game. Great for teams, colleagues, or a network of branches.

What is virtual fitness?

Virtual workouts describe any exercise that involves digital connectivity. This could be virtual exercise classes accessed via an app, or an online workout challenge where participants log their results on a digital platform.

How to start

Approach your workplace wellness ambassador or ask HR to facilitate some sort of virtual fitness challenge for your team, your department, your office, or your entire organisation nationally or even internationally. If your company offers fitness benefits, it could be a great way to encourage some healthy competition through engagement with these activities.

Why is virtual fitness good for workplace wellness?

Offering virtual fitness options not only makes exercise more accessible, but taps into people’s inherent love of gentle competition. Introducing virtual fitness options to your employee wellness benefits is good for individuals and good for the organisation. (All Hussle Monthly+ members have access to Yogaia, for online yoga, fitness classes, and relaxation, alongside their venue access.)

Biohacking – optimise your physical wellbeing

Biohacking isn’t just for Silicon Valley employees. It offers exciting ways to improve health whilst staying ahead of wellness trends.

What is biohacking?

Biohacking is an umbrella term that describes using science and self-experimentation to improve physical and mental performance through daily practices.

How to start

Not all biohacking developments are suitable for the workplace (it’s unlikely that your employer will sign off on an ice bath or infra-red sauna in the break room). How about asking for standing desks, a quiet meditation space, or circadian-friendly lighting in the workplace? The latter are especially beneficial for shift workers.

How is biohacking good for workplace wellness?

Biohacking works with the body to optimise mood, health, and productivity and can lead to better concentration, stress management, and focus.

Mindful movement – awareness during the work day

Exercise isn’t all about burning calories and building muscles. It also has a ton of benefits for your mind, mood, and nervous system. Mindful movement describes slow, purposeful activity that encourages you to focus on moving, breathing, and taking a break from work.

What is mindful movement?

Mindful movement can be stretching, walking, jogging, or any movement you enjoy – with a focus on deliberate movements paired with breathing.

How to start

Practice mindful walking during your lunch break. No phone, no ear buds. Just you and your surroundings, giving your body a chance to unwind and move naturally.

How is mindful movement good for workplace wellness?

Mindful movement combines the benefits of being active with the benefits of gentle meditation to reduce stress, improve focus, and help workers manage stress in the long term.

It’s time for a challenge!

This National Fitness Day, challenge yourself and your colleagues to try one of these innovative fitness trends. Even a couple of small changes can lead to huge improvements in your health, happiness, and work/life balance.

Great organisations offer flexible fitness benefits that suit each and every employee lifestyle. Companies that choose Hussle as their preferred employee fitness benefit provider empower their people to choose how, when and where they want to tap into fitness trends, thanks to our extensive network of fantastic gyms and fitness facilities.


Has your employer reviewed their fitness benefits recently? Get discounted access to our network of fitness venues as an employee benefit- refer your HR team.