Stay Healthy

If your goal is to keep healthy, this page has plenty of helpful articles, tips, workouts, and offers to help.
Helpful articles:
What is plyometric training?

What is plyometric training?

Plyometric exercises have a goal of increasing your power. They involve big bursts of force for short periods of time. This type of training is pretty intense. It’s well known for its explosive and energetic nature. It’s sometimes called ‘shock training’. Enough said....

How long does it take to lose fitness?

How long does it take to lose fitness?

Sometimes, we have to take a break from exercise. Maybe there’s a mad period at work, and motivation fades. Or perhaps a global pandemic hits, and all the gyms have to close. As we all know now, anything can happen. Whatever the reason, fitness can easily get pushed...

How do I create a calorie deficit?

How do I create a calorie deficit?

If you're on a weight loss journey or ever have been before, you'll be very familiar with a calorie deficit. Wiping away the fad diets and workouts that promise to 'blast belly fat', there's a very simple science behind weight loss. To lose body fat, you need to burn...

What are opposing muscle groups?

What are opposing muscle groups?

      Roughly speaking, the body is arranged into opposing muscle groups. They're also often referred to as antagonistic muscle groups or antagonist pairs. Because most movements have two phases to them, opposing muscle groups work together to perform...

5 gym challenge ideas to get you motivated

5 gym challenge ideas to get you motivated

Creatures of habit is a clichéd phrase, but it’s true, especially when it comes to our fitness routines. We tend to do the same warm-ups, use the same equipment, and the same muscles. Even if we change it up on different days, our workout week still looks a bit samey...

What are isometric exercises?

What are isometric exercises?

When we’re short on time and only have a quick 30 minutes in the gym, we need exercises that are simple, effective, quick, and need little equipment. Isometrics are a pretty good fit for this. Everyone from astronauts to new mothers can benefit from isometric...

What are compound exercises?

What are compound exercises?

      Exercise has got to be efficient. Not many people have time to spare in the gym doing things that don’t really contribute towards their fitness goals. Usually, we’re pretty short on time. We might only have room in our routine for a couple of...

What is progressive overload?

What is progressive overload?

Nobody begins their fitness journey being able to do loads of reps or lift very heavy weights. You need to challenge your muscles to develop them.  A great way to build your strength and fitness is to follow the principles of progressive overload.   What is...

What are the major muscle groups?

What are the major muscle groups?

      Exercise is all about muscle contraction. Most forms of training we do in the gym or at home look to engage different muscle groups so we can develop strength, muscle mass, endurance, and all-round fitness. There are hundreds of different muscles...

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