Stay Healthy

How often should you go to the gym?
As we try to fit fitness into our busy lives, worrying about how much exercise we should be doing is an added stress that we don't really need. Everyone seems to ask themselves the same question: 'How often should I go to the gym?'. And it's an...
The different deadlift types
The deadlift is one of the most effective compound exercises you can do. Some trainers swear by it as one of the only movements you need to develop all-round strength and endurance. The thing about the deadlift is that it targets its focal muscle...
How deadlifts change your body
The deadlift is often hailed as the most efficient compound exercise that exists. It’s a power lift that people around the world compete to do with the heaviest weight. It works muscles you didn’t even know about. If you think that it has no place in your workout...
Exercise equipment worth investing in
We all know now, if we didn’t before, the importance of being flexible. Our lifestyles need flexibility to make it easier when things don’t go to plan. We have to adapt. This applies to fitness just as much as anything. It’s hard to fit fitness...
Can you lose a stone in a month?
When you’re on a weight-loss journey, there are a couple of metrics it’s easy to obsess over. These include the number of calories in food, the number you see on the scales, and the amount of time passed. In an ideal world, people want to see a...
The best cardio machine for weight loss
If you’re looking to lose a little bit of weight, you’ve probably started turning towards the gym as a way to help you do this. And you’re not wrong to do so. Using the gym to support your efforts is a great way to help increase that calorie deficit that you’ll need...
The best exercise machines for stomach toning
We've all got areas that we wish looked a little different. A little smaller, perhaps. Or bigger. Or more toned. And whilst exercise definitely isn't just about the aesthetics, you'd be forgiven for wanting to work towards something that will make you feel more...
Looking for sugar free alcohol? Here’s what to order at the bar
You might have decided to embark upon a low sugar diet. Or a low carb one. Or just a low calorie one. Or just looking after your health. Whatever your goal and whatever way you're looking to achieve it, some things make sticking to it a little more complicated....
5 fitness myths to forget about
Navigating the fitness world is tough. It's hard to develop and progress with fitness. It takes a lot of effort and a lot of dedication. That's made harder when there are so many fitness myths circulating. Fitness myths aren't usually a downright lie....