Stay Healthy

If your goal is to keep healthy, this page has plenty of helpful articles, tips, workouts, and offers to help.
Helpful articles:
How to strengthen your core so that you can lift more

How to strengthen your core so that you can lift more

When it comes to exercise, the core comes up a lot. ‘Engage the core’ is the instruction shouted at you in exercise classes, and by PTs on the gym floor. But it’s not just about getting yourself a flat and toned tummy. The core is essentially your support system in...

When to use the free weights vs. the resistance machines

When to use the free weights vs. the resistance machines

      The brilliant thing about the gym is all that equipment there. There’s nothing quite like a gym floor packed with kit to do any workout we could possibly think of. Reality is, there’s so much choice that it’s hard to know where to spend time and...

Can you lose weight and tone up at the same time?

Can you lose weight and tone up at the same time?

      Two very common physical goals, especially in women, are toning up and losing weight. They’re often the top of people’s agenda when they look to start exercising more. Because who doesn’t want to feel and look a little fitter. And whilst neither...

The best grip strengtheners to help you lift heavier

The best grip strengtheners to help you lift heavier

      Grip strength is as simple as it sounds. How hard you can grip something in your hand. What’s less obvious is why we need grip strength and how we can improve it. It’s hard to imagine that we also need to work on the muscles in our hands and...

How much protein do you need when exercising?

How much protein do you need when exercising?

      It's well known that those who often exercise and like lifting heavy in the gym need to stock up on their protein. Visualisations of toned men and women sipping on a protein shake in a tight fitted t-shirt come to mind quite quickly. Do those muscles come from...

How to make the most of the plyo box

How to make the most of the plyo box

      Sometimes the simplest bits of kit are best. The plyo box offers complete versatility. And you don't need a user manual to navigate it. Whether you're looking to try something new or are confined to a corner of the gym with only this piece of...

Should you do the same workout every day?

Should you do the same workout every day?

      Establishing a fitness routine can take a lot of effort. Cluing up on exercises to do and workout structures to take can require a fair bit of time that not all of us have. It’s the reason why lots of people opt for exercise classes. Or get a PT...

What is a hack squat?

What is a hack squat?

      Squatting is a fundamental part of our natural movement. We do it from being babies. Then we grow up, and we start doing it in the gym too. It's a compound movement meaning it recruits many joints and muscles to do the job and requires core...

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