Stay Healthy

Your guide to sport-specific training
2021 is going to be a Summer of sport. We’re thinking beer gardens and big screens. And hey, maybe watching the elites do their thing will spark a little something in you? Gym training probably won’t get you to the Olympics, but it’s a great place to improve the...
Fasted cardio: Should we be doing it?
This piece of content is from our valued partner Premier Global NASM. You can find the original version here. We see it, read it and perhaps even witness it – fasted cardio for weight loss. This approach is currently trending in many exercise circles, but...
Using your body to look after your brain: Addressing the issue of burnout
Let's talk about the burnout buzzword. Unfortunately, the term burnout is becoming well known because people are feeling it more. It's a worrying reflection of the demands of the fast-paced and intense modern life we lead. Burnout describes a state of emotional,...
The 10 most popular Yoga styles explained
This piece of content is from our valued partner Yogaia. You can find the original version here. Don't forget, most of our Monthly+ Passes come with a subscription to Yogaia. Looking for more balance? Not sure what style of yoga is right for you? What we need...
Using your body to look after your brain: What are endorphins?
Endorphins, often called the happy hormone, have a pretty good reputation concerning exercise. Endorphin levels are known to increase after we work out, and the result is a feel-good feeling. But, whilst the simple science is relatively well known, it's helpful...
Use your body to look after your brain: 6 facts about exercise and mental health
For some of us, looking after our mental health has always been a priority. Because it presents a constant and chronic struggle. For others, it may occasionally or only recently be something that needs our attention. It doesn't matter what fight we're fighting;...
How often should you change your workout routine?
This piece of content is from our valued partner Bio-synergy. You can find the original version in the TotalNRG digital magazine here. Here are some hot tips from an industry expert to make sure you are getting the most out of your workouts. Andre...
How to build your strength back
For lots of us, lockdown made our usual fitness routines a little different. No longer able to access all the gym equipment like barbells, benches, resistance machines, and squat racks, we had to adapt our workouts to whatever we had at home. For...
How to use the gym to help with weight loss
Weight loss is not an easy journey. Anyone who's been around the block with it before will know it takes some serious time, effort, and commitment. It also takes some understanding of how weight loss works and what our bodies respond best to. Once...