Lose Weight

Does intermittent fasting really help with weight loss?
Starting a weight loss journey is tough. Because it really is that. It's a journey of trial and error, mistakes, backward steps, and navigation through a complicated network of information and guidance. It's rarely ever a straight road that gets...
The workouts that burn the most calories
Exercising isn’t always about losing weight, but sometimes, that’s what we want from it. Workouts are a helpful tool to burn some energy and create that calorie deficit needed to lose a few pounds. When you find that window of time to fit exercise in, it’s...
Can you lose weight and tone up at the same time?
Two very common physical goals, especially in women, are toning up and losing weight. They’re often the top of people’s agenda when they look to start exercising more. Because who doesn’t want to feel and look a little fitter. And whilst neither...
Is muscle heavier than fat?
Tracking fitness progress can be tricky. There are lots of different goals to focus on. Big end results you want to achieve, made up from small markers of progress along the way. Some are determined to increase strength. Improve stamina. Develop...
Can you lose a stone in a month?
When you’re on a weight-loss journey, there are a couple of metrics it’s easy to obsess over. These include the number of calories in food, the number you see on the scales, and the amount of time passed. In an ideal world, people want to see a...
How many calories should I burn in the gym?
Most people find it easier to get motivated when they have a goal. So when you walk into the gym, you might think of a workout as being defined by the number of calories you burn. We tend to link exercise with calories. We feel that the more calories we burn, the...
How do I create a calorie deficit?
If you're on a weight loss journey or ever have been before, you'll be very familiar with a calorie deficit. Wiping away the fad diets and workouts that promise to 'blast belly fat', there's a very simple science behind weight loss. To lose body fat, you need to burn...
How to keep within your calories this Christmas
Before we get into it, the most important thing to caveat is that it’s not all about calories. Especially at Christmas. For some people, December is a time to relax the usual routines, indulge a little, and enjoy food a lot more. But for those on...