You might have heard of metabolic age. You might not. It’s not a common measurement for health and fitness, but if you’ve ever stepped on one of those smart scales in the gym, it’s a reading you might be familiar with. There’s a continual stream...
The fat-burning zone. We’ve all heard of it. And we might have also heard it’s a complete myth. It is actually a scientifically recognised thing. When exercising in this zone, your body uses fat as its primary source of fuel. But, that...
Whether from your fitness tracker, or every influencer across social media, we’re always told 10,000 steps a day is a golden number. That hitting 10k gives us a health and fitness status of the highest standard. But what do 10,000 steps a...
Starting a weight loss journey is tough. Because it really is that. It’s a journey of trial and error, mistakes, backward steps, and navigation through a complicated network of information and guidance. It’s rarely ever a straight road...
Exercising isn’t always about losing weight, but sometimes, that’s what we want from it. Workouts are a helpful tool to burn some energy and create that calorie deficit needed to lose a few pounds. When you find that window of time to fit exercise in, it’s...
Two very common physical goals, especially in women, are toning up and losing weight. They’re often the top of people’s agenda when they look to start exercising more. Because who doesn’t want to feel and look a little fitter. And whilst neither...