There are lots of things people do in a bid to become healthier. It’s easy to fall victim to quick fixes and fads that see us doing pretty odd things in the name of health. Downing apple cider vinegar, exercising in the middle of the night, or...
Yoga offers the chance to focus on the present. Being mindful of how the body appears in space and the sensation of the movements you’re making. Instead of thinking about the future, the past, or the what-ifs, Yoga encourages you to ground...
If the list of benefits that exercise can bring was written in a book, it would be thousands of pages long. Think Lord of The Rings. Or War and Peace. Whatever genre you’re into. We know about exercise and its effects on our physical fitness: stronger...
Exercising isn’t always about losing weight, but sometimes, that’s what we want from it. Workouts are a helpful tool to burn some energy and create that calorie deficit needed to lose a few pounds. When you find that window of time to fit exercise in, it’s...
Eating a little bit healthier is on most of our agendas. We might go through waves of motivation, but striving for a nutritious and healthy diet is something many of us try and do. But when health has become such a marketplace for overpriced meals, drinks, and...
Two very common physical goals, especially in women, are toning up and losing weight. They’re often the top of people’s agenda when they look to start exercising more. Because who doesn’t want to feel and look a little fitter. And whilst neither...