This piece of content is from our valued partner Yogaia. You can find the original version here. Don’t forget, most of our Monthly+ Passes come with a subscription to Yogaia. Looking for more balance? Not sure what style of yoga is right for you? What we...
Endorphins, often called the happy hormone, have a pretty good reputation concerning exercise. Endorphin levels are known to increase after we work out, and the result is a feel-good feeling. But, whilst the simple science is relatively well known, it’s...
For some of us, looking after our mental health has always been a priority. Because it presents a constant and chronic struggle. For others, it may occasionally or only recently be something that needs our attention. It doesn’t matter what fight...
We all do it. Talk ourselves out of the early morning workouts. Then after a tough day, dread the thought of an after-work gym session and end up talking ourselves out of that too. It’s hard to get motivated. And it all starts with our attitude. The thing that can...