How to go from running 5k to 10k

How to go from running 5k to 10k

    Running can be slightly addictive. Most of us start off disliking it. Boring, sweaty, hurts my lungs. No thanks. But after we dabble in the first few runs, we likely find ourselves eager to hit new distances, faster times, and higher frequencies. It’s an...
How to start lifting weights

How to start lifting weights

We don’t want to admit it but walking out onto the gym floor when you’re new to lifting can be very intimidating. Everyone seems to know what they are doing. All the machines look complicated to operate. We don’t want to make a mistake and look like...
What is plyometric training?

What is plyometric training?

Plyometric exercises have a goal of increasing your power. They involve big bursts of force for short periods of time. This type of training is pretty intense. It’s well known for its explosive and energetic nature. It’s sometimes called ‘shock training’. Enough said....