Should you do the same workout every day?

Should you do the same workout every day?

      Establishing a fitness routine can take a lot of effort. Cluing up on exercises to do and workout structures to take can require a fair bit of time that not all of us have. It’s the reason why lots of people opt for exercise classes. Or get a PT...
What is a hack squat?

What is a hack squat?

      Squatting is a fundamental part of our natural movement. We do it from being babies. Then we grow up, and we start doing it in the gym too. It’s a compound movement meaning it recruits many joints and muscles to do the job and requires core...
What is body conditioning?

What is body conditioning?

      The fitness world is not short of buzzwords. When we think we’ve gotten to grips with one, another phrase starts circulating that we need to Google. So, what is body conditioning? Used to describe training types and often the name for some...