Should You Still Work Out With Sore Muscles?

Should You Still Work Out With Sore Muscles?

Not sure what to do with sore muscles after a workout? Here’s how to know when to rest and when to work out. Why Do We Get Sore Muscles From A Workout? Sore muscles are a normal side-effect of working out, and usually nothing to worry about. When we exercise, we...
How to Do Glute Kickbacks

How to Do Glute Kickbacks

Glute kickbacks are a great way to build strength, size and shape in your glutes so be sure to add them to your lower body workouts. What Are Glute Kickbacks? A glute kickback exercise is a type of isolation exercise that focuses on the big muscles of your glutes, as...
How to Use a Lateral Pull-Down Machine

How to Use a Lateral Pull-Down Machine

Lat pulldown machines can be found in every gym. They may seem like a one-trick pony, but in reality, these machines have a variety of uses to help strengthen your back and realign your spine. The lat pulldown machine works multiple muscles in your upper body, most...
How To Do A Close Grip Bench Press

How To Do A Close Grip Bench Press

The close grip bench press differs from the traditional bench press in that you perform the press with a narrower grip. This position places emphasis on building strength and size in the triceps muscles, as well as the chest. Performing a close grip press is a great...