5 things to do to hit your fitness reset button
Ready to reset your fitness plans after the summer break? Here are 5 ways to find your perfect routine.
Why you might need to reset your fitness routine
Each season brings different challenges for staying fit and healthy. In winter, the cold weather and dark evenings can make it difficult to head out to training (and it’s extra tempting to stay snuggled on the sofa!) Summer months can often be hot and humid, making workouts a challenge and hydration even harder.
But the summer holidays pose a different kind of challenge to our fitness routines. All of a sudden we have more time and freedom than ever, but there are also many more social events, parties, and holidays jostling for our attention.
If your workout routine has slipped a little over July and August, here are 5 things you can do to get back on track and stay there.
Know your fitness “why”
Make your new habits stick by working on your why. This means getting super clear on the reason behind your health kick. Is it to get healthy? Achieve a fitness goal? Or as an outlet for stress to support your mental health?
There’s so much more to fitness than actually getting fit. Hussle customers use the gym to make friends, to learn new skills, to try their hand at a different sport, or to reshape their future as fitter, stronger, and healthier.
Capture what fitness means to you, and keep this as the guiding star of your renewed journey.

Find your favourite workout
What’s the best type of workout you can do? It’s the one you enjoy! There’s truly no single best form of exercise for getting results. The key factor in making fitness a habit is doing it consistently.
With our Monthly+ pass you have total flexibility to go to different gyms, spas and pools near your home, work, or anywhere along the route! Use September to try out different classes, gym workouts, equipment, and types of fitness facility until you discover your unique formula for success. Classes, gym, swim, PT or maybe a mix of them all?
Manage your time
Are you an all-or-nothing personality? If so, you’ll need to be strict about managing your time. It might be tempting to spend hours in the gym, or to book a double whammy of back-to-back studio classes. But this will soon impact the rest of your life – and leave you feeling exhausted.
When you reintroduce a fitness routine, you can’t expect to cram it in. Take a smart approach to time management so the rest of your life doesn’t suffer from being squeezed out. Would it be best for you to work out in the mornings before the day gets started? Or would evenings work best for you when there’s less of a rush? Get out your diary, look at how much time you can spare for exercise, and then build in a buffer zone for spontaneous socialising or much-needed rest.
Aim for consistency with your workouts, walks, and healthy meal planning. Achieving an 80/20 balance is far better than shooting for 100% but falling short because you’re being over ambitious.
Strike the right balance
As you ease into your new fitness routine, don’t be too hard on yourself. Aiming for perfect workouts and flawless weeks will only set yourself up for disappointment. After all, isn’t the whole point for fitness to be part of your life?
Make sure you find a happy balance between socialising, time with friends, rest, relaxation, and working out. And if you fall off the wagon (it happens!) don’t worry. Just get back up and carry on moving forward. The best way to do this is by identifying small, keystone habits that you can tick off to get back on track. These could be eating a healthy breakfast, prepping your lunch, hitting your step count, doing a short workout, or not buying junk food. Whatever connects you back to your routine.

Make steady progress
The start of any new fitness journey is filled with excitement. You’re raring to go, and you can’t wait to hit your goal! It’s tempting to do too much, too soon. But the best approach is to build on small habits until they become part of your daily life.
Start by setting goals that are so small they seem too easy. Perhaps two workouts a week, protein with every meal, and an earlier bedtime. Once those become ingrained, add another habit or scale up an existing one.
This might feel difficult if you have previously been someone who trained several times a week, tracked your food, and smashed every goal you set yourself. But it’s far better to get back to this stage slowly. Make steady progress and avoid burnout. After all, fitness is a long game not a quick fix!
Reflect, reset, then Hussle with our huge network of thousands of gyms across any location.
Hussle is right here with you as you reset your fitness and get back into a healthy routine. Our day pass options and Monthly+ access makes it super easy for you to find the best gym, pool, boutique studio or leisure centre near your home or work.
Think of Hussle as one network, any location, with thousands of gyms – and zero contracts!